CDTI-Cervera R&D transfer projects

Boost ICT research towards the market

Cervera R&D Transfer Projects is a financing line, granted by the CDTI, aimed at research and business development projects of an applied nature for the creation or significant improvement of a production process, product or service.

The essential characteristic of this call is that companies must collaborate with Technological Centers, such as i2CAT, to perform certain activities in the project.

i2CAT is an official registered center within Cervera program and holds a leading position in the research and development of advanced digital technologies at local and international scale. With our experience in supporting innovation, we can collaborate with your company to apply to this call and to develop the requested innovation project.

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The projects must demonstrate a technological differential aspect over the existing technologies in the market. The minimum project budget is 175.000 euros and, for individual projects, the duration is between 1 and 3 years.

SMEs and mid-cap companies

Companies that collaborate with Technological Centers of national scope in the priority technologies Cervera. Among all the technologies, i2CAT stands out in:

- Eco-Innovation
- Intelligent manufacturing
- Health technologies
- Safe and healthy food chain
- Deep learning and Artificial Intelligence
- Advanced mobile networks
- Intelligent transport
- Protection of information

Cervera Technology Center

Relevant participation of a Cervera official registered center is mandatory. Its participation must be at least 10% of the total project’s budget.















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